Intergenerational Dialogue Seminar: Promoting political responsibility of youth and seniors

You have stolen our future…

This  slogan expresses the feeling of young people immediatedly after the publication of the results of the Brexit referendum. It is often used to mark the disappointment of young people on the heritage older generations transfer to future generations in the field of social protection and the lack of  care they have put on ecology. Reasons enough for the ESU and the Robert Schuman Institute (RSI) to organize a seminar  (Budapest, 24-25 April 2017)   focused on this relation between generations and promoting political responsibility of youth and seniors.

Since almost 30 years  international and European frameworks highlighted the importantce of intergenerational solidarity. It is understood as ‚social cohesion between generations‘, as ‚inclusive society for all ages‘.   It is a pillar of fair and sustainable societies, informal and formal welfare and  it is an integral part of the  European social model.

As a result of the seminar, the participants of the European Seniors’ Union call on the members of the European People’s Party (EPP) to intensify their actions to enable practical and mutual beneficial and satisfying relations between generations. They remind the members of the EPP at the EPP vision text adopted in Malta (29 March 2017) stating the need for an general European strategy on demographic change including the creation of new opportunities for intergenerational solidarity in different areas of policy.

Program of the Seminar

Speech of ESU President An Hermans


Events in 2017

Regional Conference: Technology & Active Ageing

Nicosia - Cyprus

On 14 October the Senior Citizens Organization of Cyprus and the ESU organised a South Regional Conference in Nicosia around 'Technology & Active Ageing'.

International Day of Older Persons 2017


On the occasion of the International day of Older Persons on 1 October 2017, the ESU released a message of ESU President Hermans.

Regional Conference: Security and Trust - the Future of the EU

Munich - Germany

On 28-30 September 2017, the ESU and the CSU-Seniorenunion organised a regional conference in Munich about 'Security and Trust - the Future of the EU'.

Summer Academy 2017: Europe’s Future

Vienna - Austria

From 30 June till 2 July, the ESU held its Summer Acadamy around 'Europe's Future'.

ESU-APAN Conference: Future of Europe

St. Julian's - Malta

At the occasion of the EPP Congress in Malta, the ESU organized in cooperation with APAN, a conference on the "Future of Europe".

Regional Conference: Quality of life

Prague - Czech Republic

On 11-12 March 2017, the ESU and its Czech member organisation (SKS CR) organised a regional conference in Prague about the 'Quality of Life' of seniors.

ESU Annual Report 2016

Brussels - Belgium

The ESU Annual Report 2016 was presented in the Executive Committee Meeting (General Assembly) of 8 February 2017

EXCO & Konrad Adenauer Forum

Brussels - Belgium

On 7-8 February the ESU held its Presidium meeting and General Assembly in Brussels. A dinner debate was also organised by the KAS and ESU.