The European Seniors’ Union

Since its foundation in 1995, the European Seniors’ Union has been a meeting place for men and women who believe in Europe. The story of Europe is not only written by Heads of States and Governments, but also by its people, taking responsibility together.

The future of Europe? That is a future in which we can be at home and in which future generations can find peace and prosperity. This is not yet achieved. It should be developed further every day. For us, the generations that saw Europe grow, every day is a challenge to take these issues forward. Together with younger generations, policy makers at all levels, especially our politicians at the European level, and engaged citizens. A Europe of solidarity, where there is room for the unique story of every human being: that is our Europe. Let us make it happen.

S en P 2

Stefaan Vercamer


Patrick Penninckx

Secretary General

Who we are

The European Seniors’ Union (ESU) is the largest political seniors’ organisation in Europe, member association of the European People’s Party (EPP) and is represented in 27 states with 34 organisations and about 1.269.000 members.

We believe in people of all generations to lead Europe out of the recent crises. We want our economies to return to growth that produces jobs, with young people looking to their future with confidence, seniors feeling proud of their accomplishments and families protected and strengthened to endorse the challenges and risks of changing societies. One of the key challenges of today’s societies is demographic change. The EU, the Member States and all citizens, together we are called to cope with the gains, strengths and limitations of ageing societies. We, senior citizens, want to be part of a better Europe for all ages.

For a better Europe for all citizens we highlight

No age-discrimination
Everyone, regardless of age, gender or dependency is entitled to enjoy the fundamental human rights, lead a life of dignity and independence and participate in social and cultural life.

An age-friendly society
An age-friendly society is an effective approach for responding to demographic changes
– based on a positive attitude to ageing,
– with services and structures accessible to all,
– enabling active participation and involvement,
– providing protection, support and empowerment.

Active ageing
An inclusive labour market enabling older workers to remain at work for longer. Use and promote age diversity and intergenerational learning.

Intergenerational solidarity
Adequate, fair and sustainable social protection systems (health care, long-term care, pensions,…) for both current and future generations.

Human dignity for the most vulnerable
Improvement of the application of universal human standards to persons of all stages of life, also to persons who have reached old age and, in particular, the most vulnerable older people, people at risk of poverty, abuse, loneliness,…

Learn from each other
Europewide networks and movements to mainstream the promotion of an age-friendly society in all relevant EU policy processes and funding programmes to create synergies and support action at all levels.

A challenge for all
The European Union, governments at all levels, researchers, stakeholders, the media, civil society and all citizens are called to create, promote and stimulate a long life society, respecting all age groups.

Statutes & Procedures

The ESU is dedicated to the advancement of senior citizens’ rights throughout Europe and the promotion of senior-related issues within the European People’s Party.


Together with its member organisations, the ESU organises each year several activitities all over Europe.

34th United Nations International Day of Older Persons


Looking ahead to 1th October 2024

1 October: UNIDOP - From Global Attention to Local Initiatives


Across Europe, various Member Associations of ESU have marked the UNIDOP with inspiring initiatives.

Addressing the Needs of Seniors: The ESU's Open Letter to the New EU Commission (2024-2029)


The European Seniors' Union addressed an open letter to President von der Leyen, highlighting the concerns of seniors in European policy making. 

Celebrating 20 Years of Zveza Seniorjev Nova Slovenija (N.Si)


Our President, Stefaan Vercamer, represented the ESU at the 20th anniversary celebration of N.Si’s Seniors Organisation (Slovenia)

ESU Online Conference: "The European Elections: Results & Reflections"


During our online conference we reflected on the recent European elections

EPP Political Assembly in Brussels: Taking Responsibility for Citizen-Centric Policy Making


The EPP Political Assembly, chaired by Manfred Weber, focused on election outcomes, the Bucharest Manifesto, and support for Ursula von der Leyen.

In Memoriam of Guido Dumon


On Pentecost 2024, we lost a dear friend who we will forever cherish in our hearts: Guido Dumon

For a Better Tomorrow: Engaging Seniors in European Elections


As we approach the upcoming European Elections on June 9th, 2024, it is crucial that we, as seniors, recognize our role in shaping the future of our continent.

Tribute to An Hermans: A Legacy of Dedication and Friendship


For over a decade, An Hermans has served as the President of the European Seniors' Union, alongside the Secretary General Guido Dumon.

ESU Election Congress: A Transformative Journey Towards ‘a Better Tomorrow’


ESU Election Congress

ESU Conference in Bratislava: A Resounding Success

Bratislava - Slovakia

The congress was marked by informative discussions and a focus on the active participation of seniors in society

ESU Annual Report 2023


Our ESU 2023 Annual Report is available

Brainstorm on “Enhancing the Digital Skills of Seniors in the Slovak Republic”


The primary aim of this project is to optimize digital literacy among seniors in Slovakia by developing lessons focused on digitalization for seniors.

New perspectives about ageing better

NIcosia - Cyprus

Regional Conference in Nicosia on new perspectives about ageing better

UN International Day of Older Persons


President An Hermans has provided a message in on the occasion of the 33rd UNIDOP on October 1st.

The ESU joins UNIDOP celebrations in Cyprus

Foini - Cyprus

On October 1, ESU President An Hermans and Secretary-General Guido Dumon joined in the UN International Day of Older Persons (UNIDOP) festivities in Cyprus.

Empowering Active Retirees in the Digital Era: An Inspiring Encounter


On July 20, 2023, ESU-president An Hermans was invited to speak before a group of retired professionals in Kortrijk, Flanders on the topic: MIL.

News from the ESU associations: Thoughts and experiences to share


The final morning of the academy was dedicated to the ESU-association's internal aspects and future prospects.

Martens Centre Survey on 'Regaining the Middle Ground for the Centre Right' and discussions


The focus of the survey was on understanding the mindset of the European middle class, particularly their economic, psychological, and security concerns.

Advancing a Human Rights-Based Approach to the Digital Environment


Patrick Penninckx led a presentation on fostering a sustainable, people-centered, and human rights-based approach to the challenges posed by digital environment

Europe as a task & Challenges for the EU


3rd Day of the ESU Summer Academy with guest speaker Herman Van Rompuy, Emeritus President of the EU Council

'Europe as a Task'


Insights into EU Governance: Exploring the European Commission and the European Semester at the Summer Academy

ESU's Visit to EPP Headquarters in Brussels


Strengthening Bonds and Understanding: ESU's Visit to EPP Headquarters in Brussels

"Why Europe? - Presidency Meeting with Prof. Steven Van Hecke"


ESU presidium meeting during first day of the Summer Academy

​​European People's Party Political Assembly in Munich


The EPP Political Assembly brings together representatives from all EPP member parties and associations

The European Day of Solidarity between Generations


The European Day of Solidarity between Generations aim is to raise awareness of the importance of intergenerational solidarity and to promote dialogue.

Symposium CD&V-senioren – CDA senioren – European Seniors’ Union


A fascinating day on ‘Creating dignity in the final phase of life"

National meeting 'Generation 60+' in Bozen/ Bolzano

Bozen/ Bolzano

'Generation 60+' held an election meeting in which Otto von Dellemann and Christine von Stefenelli were confirmed in their positions.

The EU’s Care Strategy – Perspectives and Reflections of the ESU


A European Care Strategy was at the center of the discussions at the ESU Executive Committee Meeting (EXCO), which took place on March 25, in Leuven.

ExCo meeting in Leuven- Side Event


The ESU Facilitated meeting between the Chairpersons of the Foreign Affairs Committees of the Belgian and Romanian Parliaments

Presidium and Executive Committee meeting in Leuven


On 24-26 March, we organised a meeting in Leuven with Presidium members and Executive Committee members.

Biennial national meeting of Hoyre-Seniors


ESU president An Hermans and general secretary Guido Dumon were invited to Bergen, Norway, for the biennial national meeting of Hoyre-Seniors.

A new EU healthcare strategy - Video conference with Sirpa Pietikäinen


Besides some information on ongoing ESU initiatives, the meeting focused on the new European care strategy.

The Council of Europe: guardian of human rights


On 18 November 2022, a delegation of the European Seniors’ Union undertook a study visit to the Council of Europe in Strasbourg.

Strasbourg: historic city and one of the centres of European policy-making


Strasbourg, the capital of the Alsace region, has an iconic story for anyone involved in European politics; sometimes in the background but sometimes very close

Message from our President on the occasion of Global Media and Information Literacy Week 2022


In view of the upcoming Global Media and Information Literacy Week, we invite you to highlight the importance of media and information literacy.

International conference to commemorate the 40th anniversary of AFAMMER

Ciudad Real - Madrid - Spain

ESU President An Hermans and Secretary-General Guido Dumon participated in the commemoration of 40 years of AFAMMER

Letter of ESU President An Hermans on the United Nations International Day of Older Persons


On the 1 October 2022 we celebrate worldwide the United Nations International Day of Older Persons (UNIDOP).

“Senior citizens in contemporary Europe, issues and challenges”


From 23 until 25 september we co-organized the International European Educational and Scientific Conference on health care, social care, and new technologies fo

The European house must be built in solidarity


On 14th of September the ESU participated in an event organized at the occasion of the Czech Presidency of the EU Council.

Summer Academy 2022: “Generations master the future of a changing Europe together”

Politische Akademie, 1120 Vienna

After three years, nearly 60 people from all over Europe met at the Politische Akademie in Vienna for the ESU Summer Academy.

The digital Era? Also my era! Media and Information Literacy: a key to ensure seniors’ rights to participate in the digital era


An Hermans was invited by the Council of Europe to compile an informative brochure on the subject of digital literacy within the senior generation.

‘What does the Green Deal mean for our way of life?’ - ESU & CDA Side Event


This side-event concerning ‘What does the Green Deal mean for our way of life?’ during EPP Congress in Rotterdam

EPP Congress Rotterdam: 31 May - 1 June


ESU intervention at the Congress and Election of Manfred Weber as EPP President and EPP leadership

ESU Northern and Baltic Countries Regional Conference: Life with Covid-19


ESU Northern and Baltic Countries Regional Conference took place from 19-21 May; the central theme was: 'Life with Covid-19; new tasks & challenges for seniors.

Solidarity with Ukraine


In early April, Volodymyr Dzobak contacted ESU President An Hermans. The interest grew to get to know Mr. Dzobak and his organization better.

29 April: European Day of Solidarity between generations


ESU takes part every year in this awareness-raising campaign in order to draw attention to the concept of intergenerational solidarity and cooperation.

17.03.2022 ESU Video meeting on “War, tensions and threats at European borders"


On 17 March we had our video conference on ‘War, tensions and threats at the European borders - How can the EU react? / What can citizens expect?”

Our ESU was welcomed in Cyprus


the ESU president and secretary general were invited to cyprus for talks on the occasion of the UNIDOP, digitalisation and much more

1st October: United Nations International Day of Older Persons: ‘Digital Equity for All Ages’


A message from our president on the occasion of the 1st of October: United Nations International Day of Older Persons (UNIDOP): ‘Digital Equity for All Ages’

A quarter of a century of active senior citizenship: we are grateful & celebrate


25th anniversary of the ESU - ESU-Madrid-Congress 23-25 September 2021

ESU Extraordinary Congress


Amendments to the ESU Statutes and Rules of Procedure.

‘Building the future together’


Seniors focussing on EU's political priorities: ESU-Madrid-Congress 23-25 September 2021

Online meeting Executive Committee about the upcoming ESU-Congress in Madrid


Online meeting Executive Committee about the upcoming ESU-Congress in Madrid

Some inspiring echoes from our member organisations of the past year


Overview of the Country Reports at the Executive Committee on 3 July at our Summer Academy

2021 Summer Academy


Online edition of ESU Summer Academy presenting most recent information about EU policies relating to the EU challenges for the future and to age & ageing

A European Health Union in the making? - Ensuring EU solidarity for a better healthcare for all

Video Conference

ESU-video Conference 20 April 2021, 11h00-12h30

Launch of the 2020 Annual Report


For ESU too, 2020 was an unforeseen year, our annual report gives an overview of how we learned from this abnormal year and tried to overcome the obstacles.

Older persons and digital inclusion in today’s information society



The era of digitalization: from communication highways to disinformation and infodemic. Opportunities and potential risks

Video Conference

ESU Video Conference 23 March

Europe’s future: demographic challenges and opportunities for a strong recovery

Video Conference

Videomeeting with Mrs Dubravka Šuica, Vice-President of the European Commission in charge of Democracy and Demography.

Drawing lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic, to cope with future challenges for people and for the EU

Video Conference

The ESU organized its first video conference of 2021, with interesting speakers such as: Herman Van Rompuy, Hardy Ostry & Rolf Berend on a post COVID-19 Europe.

'Let’s be guardians of an ethical dimension of politics’


On 6 November, the ESU held a Video Conference

Pandemics: Do They Change How We Address Age and Ageing?


On the 1st of October, we are celebrating the International Day of Older Persons for the 30th time worldwide.

ESU greetings to the Seniors union NSI-Nova Slovenija


This year the Political Party Nova Slovenija proudly celebrated its 20th anniversary.

ESU & EPP join forces

Brussels - Belgium

The experience, research and reflection on older persons during the pandemic inspired the ESU to take various initiatives.

Online ESU Presidium


On the 27th of July, the ESU Presidium met online and discussed the ESU resolution.

ESU in times of the COVID-19 pandemic


To keep in touch during the COVID-19 pandemic, the ESU relied on a variety of media.

The European Day of Solidarity between Generations

Brussels - Europe

Letter from Prof. Em. An Hermans, President of the European Seniors’ Union

Seniors exploring the future of Europe

Prague - Czech Republic

The European Seniors’ Union (ESU) held its first meetings of 2020 in Prague from 5 to 7 March.

EPP Congress Zagreb

Zagreb - Croatia

The EPP held its XXVI Congress on 20 and 21 November in Zagreb, Croatia.

“Thirty years of freedom” - Through the eyes of seniors

Bratislva - Slovakia

From 6-8 November, the Christian Senior Citizens' Association of Slovakia, together with the ESU, organised a regional conference in Bratislava.

‘Es gibt nog etwas zu tun’

Berlin - Germany

On 18 and 19 October the presidium gathered in Berlin at the headquarters of the Christian Democratic Union (CDU): Konrad Adenauerhaus.

“The Journey to Age Equality”: International Day of Older Persons 2019


In its Resolution 45/106 of 14 December 1990, the General Assembly of the UN declared the first of October to be 'International Day of Older Persons.

10th ESU Congress

Sandanski - Bulgaria

‘Seniors standing up for Europe’ this theme brought together over 160 men and women from 20 countries in Sandanski on 27 and 28 September.

10th edition of the Summer Academy

Vienna - Austria

Already for the 10th time, seniors from all over Europe gathered in Vienna for the yearly Summer Academy at the Politische Akademie der ÖVP.

Greetings to Cyprus


A message from our President An Hermans to the congress in Cyprus after the European elections.

Get involved in the future of Europe

Nicosia - Cyprus

A glance at the gathering of Cypriotic seniors on the 13th of May.

European Day of Solidarity between Generations

Brussels - Belgium

A Letter of the ESU on the occasion of the European Day of Solidarity between Generations

The first Forum of Seniors’ Organizations from the Eastern Partnership

Minsk - Belarus

On the 24th and 25 of April, an ESU delegation was honoured to be part of the first Forum of Seniors’ Organizations organized in Minsk.

Conferencia Europea: ‘Con las Personas Mayores Avanza Europa’

Ciudad Real - Spain

Report on the Conferencia Europea: ‘Con las Personas Mayores Avanza Europa’

Launch EPP Campaign

Brussels - Belgium

Manfred Weber launched its ‘Power of WE’ in the House of European History in the presence of an ESU delegation,

Regional Conference Bozen

Bozen - Italy

On 21-23 March, the ESU co-hosted a Regional Conference together with the SVP-Senioren on several challenges our European Union is facing.

Executive Committee - Ambitions for Europe: the 2019 Elections and Beyond

Prague - Czech Republic

During the weekend of 22-24 February, the ESU Executive Committee was welcomed in Prague to gather with the European elections in mind.

ESU and the EPP Congress

Helsinki - Finland

On 6-8 November, the ESU participated in the EPP Congress in Helsinki.

International Day of Older Persons 2018


On the occasion of the International day of Older Persons on 1 October 2018, the ESU released a message of ESU President Hermans.

ESU invited to the 10th Forum of Third Age

Nowy Sacz & Krynica - Poland

The ESU was invited by ESU vice-president Janusz Marszalek to participate in the 10th Third Age Forum (5-7 September) in Nowy Sacz and Krynica in Poland.

Summer Academy 2018

Vienna - Austria

On 6-8 July, the ESU organised its Summer Academy about ‘Europe’s Demographics: From challenges into innovative and coordinated opportunities'.

Regional Conference: Building Bridges towards solidarity and social cohesion in the Baltic countries

Vilnius - Lithuania

On 17-19 May, the ESU Regional Conference on 'Building Bridges towards solidarity and social cohesion in the Baltic countries' took place in Vilnius.

Regional Conference: Älter werden in den Euroregionen

Aachen - Germany

Am 27. und 28. April fand in Aachen eine ESU-Regionalkonferenz über 'Älter werden in den Euroregionen' statt.

ESU Presidium meets President Daul

Brussels - Belgium

On 24 April the ESU and YEPP a common statement on Intergenerational Solidarity and met with EPP president Joseph Daul.

ESU-IDEA Symposium: Supporting inclusive governance for sustainable democracy

Brussels - Belgium

To mark the EU Day of Intergenerational Solidarity, the Office of International IDEA to the EU and the European Seniors’ Union co-hosted a Symposium,

ESU Annual Report 2017

Brussels - Belgium

At the beginning of 2018, the ESU presented its annual report of 2017.

Regional Conference: Technology & Active Ageing

Nicosia - Cyprus

On 14 October the Senior Citizens Organization of Cyprus and the ESU organised a South Regional Conference in Nicosia around 'Technology & Active Ageing'.

International Day of Older Persons 2017


On the occasion of the International day of Older Persons on 1 October 2017, the ESU released a message of ESU President Hermans.

Regional Conference: Security and Trust - the Future of the EU

Munich - Germany

On 28-30 September 2017, the ESU and the CSU-Seniorenunion organised a regional conference in Munich about 'Security and Trust - the Future of the EU'.

Summer Academy 2017: Europe’s Future

Vienna - Austria

From 30 June till 2 July, the ESU held its Summer Acadamy around 'Europe's Future'.

Seminar: Promoting political responsibility of youth and seniors

Budapest - Hungary

The ESU and RSI organized a seminar on the relations between generations and promoting political responsibility of youth and seniors.

ESU-APAN Conference: Future of Europe

St. Julian's - Malta

At the occasion of the EPP Congress in Malta, the ESU organized in cooperation with APAN, a conference on the "Future of Europe".

Regional Conference: Quality of life

Prague - Czech Republic

On 11-12 March 2017, the ESU and its Czech member organisation (SKS CR) organised a regional conference in Prague about the 'Quality of Life' of seniors.

ESU Annual Report 2016

Brussels - Belgium

The ESU Annual Report 2016 was presented in the Executive Committee Meeting (General Assembly) of 8 February 2017

EXCO & Konrad Adenauer Forum

Brussels - Belgium

On 7-8 February the ESU held its Presidium meeting and General Assembly in Brussels. A dinner debate was also organised by the KAS and ESU.

9th ESU Congress

Leuven - Belgium

On 4-5 November 2016, the triennial ESU Congress took place in Leuven. Theme: Together for a safe and social Europe.

Regional Conference: Civil society and active participation

Ljubljana - Slovenia

On 21-22 October 2016, the ESU and its Slovenian member organisations organised a regional Conference on Civil society and active participation.

International Day of Older Persons


On the occasion of the International day of Older Persons on 1 October 2016, the ESU released a message of ESU President Hermans.

Summer Academy 2016: Europe must not fail

Vienna - Austria

'Europe must not fail' that was the title of the 7th Summer Academy (1-3 July 2016), organized by the ESU and the Österreichischer Seniorenbund.

Regional Conference: Active ageing and the participation of seniors in public life

Budapest - Hungary

For a two-days Conference in Budapest, the ESU could count on the Robert Schuman Institute, Fidesz and the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung.

Launch of the Foundation 'Youth and Seniors for Europe'

Brauweiler-Pulheim - Germany

To mark the European Day of Solidarity Between Generations dr. Bernhard Worms organised the launch of the Foundation 'Youth and Seniors for Europe'.

20 years ESU

Brussels - Belgium

On 6 November 2015 the European Seniors' Union (ESU) celebrated its 20th anniversary in the European Committee of the Regions (CoR) in Brussels.

EPP Statutory Congress

Madrid - Spain

On 21-22 October 2015, the ESU actively participated in the EPP Congress in Madrid.

Regional Conference: elderly abuse and exploitation

Larnaca - Cyprus

On 16 September 2015, several delegations arrived in Larnaca for the ESU regional conference on "Elderly abuse and exploitation".

Food4Thought - Europe's Senior Voters

Brussels - Belgium

On 1 October 2015, the ESU organised a Food for Thought event together with the Wilfried Martens Centre about 'Europe's Senior Voters'.

International Day of Older Persons 2015


On the occasion of the Internationial Day of Older Persons 2015, ESU President An Hermans wrote a message.

Regional Conference: Lifelong learning and active ageing

Münster - Germany

On 11-12 September 2015, the ESU and the Senioren-Union der CDU Deutschlands organised a Regional Conference around Lifelong Learning and Active Ageing.

ESU visiting Cyprus and its seniors' organisation

Nicosia - Cyprus

On 9-10 September 2015, the President and Secretary General of the ESU visited Cyprus and its seniors' association.

Summer Academy 2015: Citizens' Security in the EU

Vienna - Austria

On 3-5 July, the Summer Academy of the ESU took place in Vienna around 'Citizens' Security in the EU'.

Convention of Hoyre Seniors

Bergen - Norway

On 20-21 March 2015, the ESU President and Secretary-General participated in the Convention organized by the Hoyre Seniors in Bergen, Norway.


The ESU is led by the Board (Presidium), which is elected every five years by the ESU Congress.

President & secretary general

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ESU Headquarters
Rue du Commerce 10

+32 2 309 28 66
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