In Memoriam of Guido Dumon

Dear colleagues, beloved friends,

On Pentecost 2024, we lost a dear friend who we will forever cherish in our hearts: Guido Dumon (30.12.1949-19.05.2024).

It is with heavy hearts yet gratitude for his immense dedication that we inform you of the sudden passing of our dear friend, Guido Dumon. Since 2013, he served as the tireless General Secretary of our European Seniors’ Union. This engagement was in line with the social commitment that characterized him from his youth. From his days in college (KSA), through the Christian workers’ movement (KWB), international solidarity actions, and senior citizen movements… he consistently fought for justice and social inclusion, concerned that no one would be left behind. Through his knowledge and experience, he acquired leadership positions in European regional politics and development cooperation. Those who knew Guido will fondly remember him with gratitude.Our thoughts foremostly go to his family, who will feel his absence most profoundly. 

On May 24th, the funeral took place, and ESU members had the opportunity to follow the service via streaming. The funeral service can still be viewed via this link.  An honorable word of thanks was delivered by Luc Van den Brande, former Minister-President of Flanders. The text can be read here in English.

We received messages of sympathy and condolences through various channels from all corners of Europe and our partner organizations, with whom Guido had long-standing connections. Guido will be missed, but we look back with warm hearts full of gratitude. We will honor his memory by continuing his fervent dedication.


Events in 2024

34th United Nations International Day of Older Persons


Looking ahead to 1th October 2024

1 October: UNIDOP - From Global Attention to Local Initiatives


Across Europe, various Member Associations of ESU have marked the UNIDOP with inspiring initiatives.

Addressing the Needs of Seniors: The ESU's Open Letter to the New EU Commission (2024-2029)


The European Seniors' Union addressed an open letter to President von der Leyen, highlighting the concerns of seniors in European policy making. 

Celebrating 20 Years of Zveza Seniorjev Nova Slovenija (N.Si)


Our President, Stefaan Vercamer, represented the ESU at the 20th anniversary celebration of N.Si’s Seniors Organisation (Slovenia)

ESU Online Conference: "The European Elections: Results & Reflections"


During our online conference we reflected on the recent European elections

EPP Political Assembly in Brussels: Taking Responsibility for Citizen-Centric Policy Making


The EPP Political Assembly, chaired by Manfred Weber, focused on election outcomes, the Bucharest Manifesto, and support for Ursula von der Leyen.

For a Better Tomorrow: Engaging Seniors in European Elections


As we approach the upcoming European Elections on June 9th, 2024, it is crucial that we, as seniors, recognize our role in shaping the future of our continent.

Tribute to An Hermans: A Legacy of Dedication and Friendship


For over a decade, An Hermans has served as the President of the European Seniors' Union, alongside the Secretary General Guido Dumon.

ESU Election Congress: A Transformative Journey Towards ‘a Better Tomorrow’


ESU Election Congress

ESU Conference in Bratislava: A Resounding Success

Bratislava - Slovakia

The congress was marked by informative discussions and a focus on the active participation of seniors in society