Summer Academy 2025
Theme: Demographic Changes in Europe – Challenges for European Governance
The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) has adopted the report Overcoming Age-Based Discrimination Against Older Persons, presented by Andrea Eder-Gitschthaler, our co-opted Vice-President (awaiting approval from the Executive Committee). This report marks a crucial step in the fight against ageism and reinforces the call for older persons to be recognised as rights holders, ensuring equality, dignity, autonomy, and active participation in society.
Ms Eder-Gitschthaler highlights the necessity for policymakers to review and implement Recommendation CM/Rec(2014)2, a Council of Europe guideline aimed at protecting the human rights of older persons and addressing structural discrimination. She also underlines the impact of artificial intelligence in healthcare, stressing the urgency of eliminating implicit and explicit biases in AI technologies affecting older individuals.
ESU Secretary General Patrick Penninckx, in our press release available [here], welcomed the adoption of the report, stating: “Too many older persons feel sidelined and isolated. We must raise awareness of their positive contributions to society and move beyond outdated stereotypes.”
The ESU remains committed to advocating for policies that empower seniors and foster intergenerational solidarity, ensuring that older persons have a meaningful role in shaping the future of our societies.
The press release is also available in German here.