ESU Annual Report 2023
Our ESU 2023 Annual Report is available
On 13th July, the Summer Academy, a four-day event organized by WMCES, CEDER, and ESU, came to a successful conclusion, leaving all participants inspired and enriched with valuable information. The event took place in both Brussels and Leuven, and its empowering program, planned with engaging speakers, discussants, assistants, and interpreters, ran seamlessly from day to day, hour to hour.
The final morning of the academy was dedicated to the ESU-association’s internal aspects and future prospects. Delegates from various European associations shared their thoughts and experiences. Representatives from the Netherlands (CDA Senioren), Belgium (CD&V Senioren), Cyprus (Senior Citizens Organisation of Cyprus), Finland (Kansallinen Seniorilliitto ry), Estonia (Seniors’ Association of pro Patria and Res Publica), Germany (Senioren-Union der CSU), Belarus (PUBP “Nasha Pakalenne”), Südtirol (SVP generation 60+), Slovakia (Zdruzenie kresťanských seniorov Slovenska), and the Czech Republic (Sdružení křesťanských seniorů) discussed various topics:
1. Electronic Elections: Countries like the Netherlands, Belgium, and Estonia shared their experiences and thoughts on implementing electronic voting systems.
2. Public Transportation and Digitalization: Südtirol (SVP generation 60+) raised concerns about public transportation and its digitalization, emphasizing the need for efficient and accessible transportation systems.
3. Participation of Seniors in Society and Healthcare: Germany and the Netherlands discussed the involvement of seniors in society and the provision of adequate healthcare services.
Financial matters were also addressed during the meeting, including the approval of the ESU accounts and balance sheet following the acknowledgment of the audit report, ensuring transparency and accountability.
Preparations for the new ESU mandate (2024-2029) were discussed, with the ESU congress scheduled for 2024, during which the election of the new presidency would take place. Participants stressed the importance of finding a candidate for the presidency who possesses both content expertise and leadership skills, with the decision to be made before November. Some participants suggested opting for shorter terms for the presidency and creating a clear list of responsibilities for the position. It was also noted that different countries have varied election procedures, which may contribute to limited responses in certain cases.
The meeting calendar for 2023/2024 was presented, providing an overview of upcoming events and gatherings, with special mention of a three-day conference in Cyprus in November and a meeting in Bratislava.
Our friends from Belarus, through their organization PUBP “Nasha Pakalenne,” fight daily for the interests of seniors in Belarus. They emphasized how valuable their experiences during this event have been and how they will definitely carry and apply these insights back home.
For more than ten successive years, the Summer Academy had been held in Vienna. However, this year, from 10th to 13th July, it was organized for the first time in Leuven and Brussels. Participants left the event with a sense of renewed commitment to their active citizenship in Europe, understanding their crucial role in shaping its future, one day at a time.